How to get sleep faster in kota ??

A lot of people have trouble getting to sleep. You can develop insomnia at any age, and it can be very frustrating. Furthermore, this can cause us to have a lot less energy when we wake up in the morning, and this can lead to developing minor illnesses such as the common cold. Also, being unable to get to sleep can be irritating at times like tests on Sundays. Here are the steps :
1. First of all, take a relaxing bath. Fill it with bath salts/bubble bath if you want to. Lavender is very useful if you want to get to sleep, so try and get a couple of bath products that are scented with it. Don't splash around too much; just lie there and relax.
2. Do something relaxing before you go to bed. Listen to calming music, read a book, or do some writing. Don't watch TV or go on the computer - these things wake your brain up, meaning that, even though your body might be tired, your mind will still be wide awake, making it difficult
3. If you're hungry, eat a piece of fruit. Fruit slowly releases energy, meaning that you won't have a big sugar rush right after you've eaten it or when you're trying to sleep.
4. Go to bed at the time that you normally would, or a little earlier. Trying to get to sleep two hours earlier than you normally would will confuse your body clock, and you may end up staying up even later than usual.
5. Allow your thoughts to wander. If you need to, listen to some soothing music. Eventually, you will fall asleep.

Few More tips :
Try to just relax and find your sweet spot in your bed.
Go to your happy place in your mind.
Try to avoid mean and jealous feelings since they can keep you up at night.
It helps if there isn't much light coming into the room. Draw the curtains, and if need be, wear an eye-mask.
Play soft music or instrumental music to help you sleep peacefully.
Make sure you aren't too hot or cold. If you're hot, replace your duvet with a sheet, or wear a t-shirt instead of a thick, woolly jumper. If you're cold, add an extra duvet or blanket.
Make sure you have comfortable pillows and cushions.
Close your eyes and try to clear your mind. Don't think about your day or things you need to do, it will only distract you and stop you falling asleep.


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