Students, often get
highly depressed at
these final moments.
This makes me so
remorseful and sad.
If u r getting depressed,
it means u have not
understood "the basic
concept of IIT".
1st Concept of
relativity: In IIT, it does
not matter how much
you know. What
matters is how much
you know in comparison
to others. That's how
rank is decided. You can
see that most of your
friends are having 'not
so good' preparation, so
it's ok if you are having
similar status. So if you
do not know every thing
taught to you, it's ok as
others are on same
2nd Law of
Temperament: More
than being a test of
your IQ and hard-
working ability, IIT
wants to test your
temperament. It wants
to see how u perform in
deeeeep stress. IIT
knows that the syllabus
of IIT is really very vast
and tough; one or 2
years are sometimes
not sufficient for
preparation. But still it
has set up such an uphill
task......WHY? IIT knows
that in this time, a
person can run only
100m but still it has set
up a massive target of
200m for you.......WHY? A
weak soul will get
depressed the moment
it sees this tough
target but a strong soul
will try to do it's best till
the end and cover as
much distance as
possible. This is the
temperament IIT is
looking for. U need to
realize that it is already
known that no one is
going to complete the
race. Even rank 1 does
not get 100% marks.
The battle is rather for
loosing the race with
minimum margin.
So u don't need to loose
heart if u find yourself
behind.....it's ok. All you
need is to stare into the
eyes of defeat and
keep running fearless till
the end so as to
minimize the margin of


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