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Today im gonna teach you guys a simple IIS hack
its really n00b-friendly and dosnt aquire any skill what so ever
im gonna aply the steps hereand you guys can comment on whatever is bothering youok?!?
ok lets go
Step 1: Find vulnerable site (for this i left a link at the bottom to show you some vulnerable website)
Step 2 : Simple go>>>>start>>>> my computer
>>>>right-click { add a network connection}>>>c ustom network>>>>add the vulnerable website you want to hack>>>
and if its not secure a window will open.
Step 3: copy the deface page and paste it in the website window that opend
Step 4: Put the website link and your deface script
for example ...
www.victimwebsite.nt/ mydeface.txt
you can put . anyshit you want dosnt matter
dpastebin vul websites
http:// 1184536/
listen to me dont go tryin those websites of course someone already defaced them using the following method what im doin is giving you a standard opinion on what types of websites you should go after,dont try dork since IIS dosnthave one u could try your luck but ill go with what u guys have and from there ull pick it up..


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